Tomorrow is the 2013 Australian Federal Election, and the first time I will be voting in Australia! Here we do preferential voting, so you get to rank order the candidates from most to least appealing, and then one of the two major parties (the Liberal party and Labor party, which have spent the last few weeks trying to show the electorate how similar they can become without Tony Abbot merging with Kevin Rudd into some sort of chimerical Tovin Abbudd) gets elected anyway.
My first vote cast is for the lower house in the seat of Wentworth (a safe seat for the Liberal Party candidate Malcolm Turnbull) and my intended preferences are as follows:
- Sheil (Independent and all around fantastic candidate, not to mention preferencing an independent keeps electoral funding away from the major parties)
- Turnbull (Liberal Party - LP)
- Foxman (Palmer United Australia - PUP)
- Smith (Australian Labor Party - ALP)
- Robertson (The Greens - GP)
- Beresford (Christian Democratic Party - CDP)
Of course, voting above the line is lamesauce, so I will be voting below the line - meaning I get to rank order all 110 candidates. My first attempt at preferences received a number of gushing accolades from some of the fine folk over at the Australian Libertarian Society's facebook group including:
"You did pretty shit."
"Awful list."
"Not.that great really"
After some revisions, here is my latest list - if you seen anything strange or have any changes to recommend I'd love to hear them (but time is running out)!
- Layonhjelm (Liberal Democratic Party - LDP, Group A)
- Pettett (LDP, A)
- OBrien (Outdoor Recreation Party - ORP, V)
- De Lima (ORP, V)
- Beiger (Smokers Rights Party - SRP, W)
- Whelan (SRP, W)
- Hunt (Drug Law Reform - DLR, AD)
- Trimingham (DLR, AD)
- Futter (Help End Marijuana Prohibtion - HEMP, G)
- Olbourne (HEMP, G)
- Higson (Voluntary Euthanasia - VE, E)
- Mulhall (VE, E)
- Muirhead (Shooters and Fishers Party - SFP, AJ)
- Dunne (Australian Sex Party - ASP, P)
- Raye (ASP, P)
- Molloy (Pirate Party - PP, AO)
- Campbell (PP - AO)
- Koutalianos (No Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics - NCT, B)
- McDowall (NCT, B)
- Jansson (Future Party - FP, K)
- Haggerty (FP, K)
- Tranter (Wikileaks Party - WP, I)
- Broinowski (WP, I)
- McNally (Republican Party of Australia - RPA, AL)
- Blake (RPA, AL)
- Myers (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party - AMP, AQ)
- Kirkness (AMP, AQ)
- Lowe (Fishing & Lifestyle Party - FLP, Q)
- Dean (FLP, Q)
- Sinodinos (LP, Y)
- Carr (ALP, M)
- Stevens (Australian Voice Party - AVP, O)
- Francis (AVP, O)
- Black (AVP, O)
- Thompson (Non-Custodial Parents Party - NCP, AN)
- Thompson (NCP, AN)
- Ferguson (Senator Online - SO, D)
- Barry (SO, D)
- McKinnon (SO, D)
- Villaver (Australian Democrats - AD, AF)
- Wallace (AD, AF)
- Bryce (Secular Party - SP, AP)
- Owen (SP, AP)
- Cameron (LP, Y)
- Cameron (LP, Y)
- Williams (The Nationals - NP, Y)
- Hay (NP, Y)
- Rossiter (Family First - FF, AH)
- Hurley (FF, AH)
- Payne (LP, Y)
- Chhibber (ALP, M)
- Nelmes (ALP, M)
- Kolomeitz (ALP, M)
- Adamson (PUP, S)
- Wrighton (PUP, S)
- Mailler (Katter's Australian Party - KAP, N)
- Maka (KAP, N)
- Stephens (ALP, M)
- McCaffrey (Democratic Labour Party - DLP, C)
- Hanna (DLP, C)
- Bohm (Bullet Train for Australia - BTA, X)
- Glick (BTA, X)
- Whalan (F)
- Cooper (F)
- Wang (AG)
- O'Toole (AG)
- Brown (Building Australia Party - BAP, T)
- Symington (BAP, T)
- Carter (Carers Alliance - CA, H)
- Buckwalter (CA, H)
- Tanks (Australian Independents - AI, AC)
- Hirst (AI, AC)
- Bourke (Stable Population Party - SPP, AI)
- Spike (SPP, AI)
- Pearson (Animal Justice Party - AJP, AA)
- Vickers (AJP, AA)
- Cameron (ALP, M)
- Houseman (SFP, AJ)
- Clifford (Christian Democratic Party - CDP, L)
- Spies-Butcher (GP, R)
- Fraser (CDP, L)
- Findley(GP, R)
- Rahme (CDP, L)
- Ho(GP, R)
- Lions (CDP, L)
- Blatchford(GP, R)
- Peebles (CDP, L)
- Ryan(GP, R)
- Faehrmann (GP, R)
- Ash (Ungrouped)
- Nathan (Ungrouped)
- La Mela (Ungrouped)
- Poulsen (Ungrouped)
- Johns (Australian Protectionist Party - APP, Z)
- Grech (APP, Z)
- Dean (Stop CSG Party - SCP, AK)
- Fraser (SCP, AK)Wallbridge
- Plumb (One Nation - ON, AR)
- McCulloch (ON, AR)
- Hanson (ON, AR)
- Watt (Uniting Australia Party - UAP, U)
- Simonds (UAP, U)
- Somerfield (Rise Up Australia - RUA, J)
- Bishop (RUA, J)
- Dare (Socialist Alliance - SA, AM)
- McIlroy (SA, AM)
- Hambides (Socialist Equality Party - SEP, AE)
- Beams (SEP, AE)
- Fraser (Australia First - AF, AB)
- Wallbridge (AF, AB)